Adi Wenzel Advisory Board equity strategist “Two factors are decisive to achieve an outstanding return on investment: 1) the knowledge about the real performance drivers on the stock exchanges and 2) the disciplined use of this knowledge. Only a systematic investment approach that makes disciplined use of this knowledge regarding the interrelations on the financial markets and conse-quently leaves human emotions aside helps us to achieve an outstanding performance in the long run.”

Adi Wenzel is without doubt one of the best stock pickers in the business. For many years he has been developing successful models to help him select the most attractive stocks and was recognized several times as one of the best stock portfolio managers in Switzerland. Adi Wenzel gained international work experience in Argentina and England. He worked as a strategy consultant in London before he continued his career as a consultant in Switzerland. At the beginning of 2001 he joined Baloise Asset Management as senior manager stocks and was responsible for the management of almost one billion Swiss francs. In June 2006 he accepted a new challenge as head of the asset management stocks Switzerland at the bank Sarasin & Cie AG in Zurich assuming a responsibility for several billion Swiss francs in stocks.

From 2008 until 2017 Adi was a partner and chief investment officer of ENISO Partners and responsible for the portfolio management. Adi has been an advisor for stock selection since the founding of forClients Partner AG.


Adi Wenzel has a master’s degree in economics from the University in Basel (lic.rer.pol.) with a focus on corporate finance, bank management and financial markets.

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